Good Night, Siri

Have Siri wish you a Good Night, and prepare your home for bedtime! Made with HomePod in mind.


Good Night is a routine that will tell you what you have going on tomorrow, set an alarm to wake up on time, turn off your lights (Optional), Play a Playlist (optional), and turn on your Apple TV (Optional), it can be customized as you see fit so have at it! the alarms can be set to an automatically calculated time, your regular time, or you can choose not to have one for the morning.

NOTE: alarms created are created on your iPhone. the way HomePod functions, All shortcuts are ran on your iPhone.

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - Dec. 2, 2019, 10:35 p.m.

Initial Release! check back regularly for updates. the way HomePod functions, you will be unable to use Lightning Update.

Past versions