Change File Extension

Does what the Files app should be able to do on it’s own...


Get ready to change file extensions!


This shortcut aims to fill in an essential feature to the files app: changing file extensions! Can be run from the share sheet or in the app.

Features: • Change file extension through share sheet or Shortcuts app. • Update support. • Multi-file support coming in the future.

Note: Not all files can be changed to all file extensions. Check if your extension is correct before changing it, some files can become corrupted with the incorrect file extension.

Swing Updater is required for updates.

This shortcut supports Swing Updater!

Latest Release Notes

1.03 - March 21, 2020, 6:36 p.m.

• Removed Embed-a-Update, reducing number of actions to 60. Replaced with Swing Updater.
• New multi-file support added! Send me feedback about this feature.
• VCard menus coming in the future.

Past versions