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2.4 3 weeks, 1 day ago
iOS 13
REQUIRED UPDATE for iOS 14 Developer beta 2:

With that version of iOS, the 'Combine Text' action is broken. This shortcut includes a workaround*. For more information:

*Note: Similar changes were made in v2.2. In this version, there were two menus corrected that were overlooked when v2.2 was created.


2.3 3 weeks, 2 days ago
iOS 13
Bug Fix: When selecting a subset of shortcuts, the 'leave blank' option (to preselect all) was not functioning properly. This has been fixed. Thank you, @daidardi for reporting the bug.


2.2 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
REQUIRED UPDATE for iOS 14 Developer beta 2:

- With that version of iOS, the 'Combine Text' action is broken. This shortcut includes a workaround. For more information:

New Feature:

- Added a configuration parameter: Show Shortcut Preview before Restore?


2.1 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
REQUIRED UPDATE for iOS 14 Developer beta 2:

- With that version of iOS, the 'Change Case' action is broken. This shortcut includes a workaround. For more information:

- The icons in vCard menus are still not properly rendered. Hoping this is an iOS bug that will be addressed by Apple in updated versions of iOS 14.

- When 'Choose from List' results in a list containing many items, unlike with iOS 13, the dialog does not contain a search field at the top. I hope this is also addressed by Apple, but I'm less confident that it will be as it might be a design change in the name of 'Simplification'.

Minor Change:

Tightened up the prompt used when selecting a subset of shortcuts.


2.0 1 month ago
iOS 13
Existing Features:

- The 'Restore (from a selected folder)' menu will load much faster.

- Many minor improvements to dialogs, alerts, and shortcut logic.

- Comments have been improved in the four example shortcuts that run Bart non-interactively (e.g., 'Archive All > BART').

- Help has been modified: 1) The section 'Running BART From Another Shortcut' has been improved and links have been changed to the aforementioned example shortcut, and 2) to include the new features including a link to new video: BART Version 2.0.

New Features:

- The 'Develop' operation has been added. This is a non-interactive feature. See the Help, section titled: Protection While Developing or Modifying Other Shortcuts


1.6 6 months ago
iOS 13
- Added a configuration parameter: Segregate Backup Files by iOS Device
- Updated the Help describing this new parameter


1.5 6 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Updated the Help (within the shortcut and on the RoutineHub page):
- corrected a few typos
- added a section for Shortcut Automation


1.4 6 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Removed 'Check for Update' main menu option and replaced it with 'Exit'. This was done because:
- An automatic update check is done every 7 days.
- 'Exit' is helpful when calling BART from a menu-style shortcut or iOS [LaunchCuts](


1.3 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- When using [Embed-a-Update] for automatic and user-initiated shortcut update checks, enhanced the menus to use vCard menus with icons using Apple SF Symbols.
- Changed restore alert to use Math sans Unicode font.
- For actions associated with creation of 'Restore Folders.txt', changed menu to vCard format because otherwise iPadOS 13.3.1 beta 1 does not reliably render 'Choose fromm List' dialogs.
- Corrected a few typographical errors in comments and dictionary keys.


1.2 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Added .SC Dictionary key, MyLabel, so that alerts, etc., can display the shortcut name in Unicode (Math sans bold).
- Added shortcut name, BART, to the top of alerts, etc.
- Modified .M Dictionary to add embedded 'icons Dictionary' so that the Dictionary action is more condensed in the shortcuts editor.


1.1.2 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Minor changes/bug fixes:

- Fixed the dialog that appears when selecting a subset of the shortcuts. Prior to this fix, the dialog text appeared twice.
- Updated the tested version of iOS.


1.1.1 7 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Changed variable type checks to be language agnostic. Prior to this change, 'Running BART From Another Shortcut' did not function properly if the iOS device was not set to English. Thank you @daidardi for reporting this issue.


1.1.0 7 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- For 'Restore (from a selected folder)' changed a double slash (//) that mistakenly occurred after the 'Restore Folders'. This has been corrected to be a single slash (/). Fortunately this oversight did not cause any problems -- other than it looked odd in the 'Restore Preview'.
- For 'Restore (from Unarchive Folder)' sorted the list of shortcuts found in the selected 'Unarchive Folder'. Prior to this oversight, the Filter/Sort action existed, but a magic variable was incorrectly selected. This caused the shortcut list to be rendered unsorted.


1.0.2 7 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Tested on iOS (and iPadOS) 13.3 (17C54) and indicated in the Help.
- No changes to shortcut functionality.


1.0.1 7 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Fixed a typographical error in the help text.


1.0.0 7 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
First public release.