Random website

This takes you to a random website on the Internet.


With the shortcut, just takes you to a random webpage and website on the Internet. That's right, this can happen. Make sure you read before downloading. One thing to note, some websites that it may take you to may be off-line, or doesn't exist. Some websites maybe number website, like 767.com, or some websites are not numbers. Some websites don't have numbers in them. Sometimes you might be redirected to go daddy or another website if it is in sale. You can also be taken to a foreign language website which could be cool. This shortcut uses HTTPS & HTTP links. So for example, when you visit one website, you can return to the Shortcuts app and it will take you to another website. So you can visit to websites using the shortcut.

Also, thanks to @ChrisChan for the idea when he made the random shortcut that take you to a random shortcut using this website. I decided to see what it would be like if you just did a random website. Hope you enjoy! if you want to leave a suggestion for the shortcut, please do.

Latest Release Notes

1.1 - May 14, 2020, 2:24 p.m.

To keep the fun going, random website will run every time instead of having to hit run shortcut. The shortcut will be continuously running until you stop it.

Past versions