Get Postmates Codes

Checks r/postmates for existing user promo codes


Checks Reddit’s r/postmates monthly existing promo thread for posted codes and lets you choose multiple posts from which to try codes. The shortcut will copy the code and open Postmates; returning to the shortcut (top left of screen) will automatically try again with next selected code.

Note: as of now, "copy" only captures the first word of the actual Reddit comment, so you'll just have to type it out if the code isn't the first word of that post.

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Please pass your savings along to your Postmate and tip generously! New users – referral code "NS2X" or use to help me out. Thank you and stay safe!

Latest Release Notes

0.2 - Jan. 12, 2020, 3:50 a.m.

Added menu item for “Share code” via SMS, clipboard etc.

Past versions