Create Ultimate Journal Entry

This shortcut automates creation of a journal entry in a Day One journal.


The Create Ultimate Journal Entry shortcut creates a skeletal Day One entry with several sections or parts, including some that are automatically populated for you:

  • Title: You are prompted for this.

  • Star rating: This is one to five emoji stars that you pick from a list. A tag is also added to your entry to make it easy to find journal entries in the future with a given rating.

  • Two user-defined Sections: These default to Something I'm grateful for and Something I learned, but you can change these to whatever you want when you download the shortcut.

  • List of Calendar Events: This is a list of today's events from your calendar app.

  • List of Completed Tasks: This is only displayed if a markdown list of tasks is passed into the shortcut from the share sheet. I use this to share my list of completed tasks from Things 3. To do the same, go to Things 3, select all your tasks in the Logbook, and tap the share icon. In the share sheet, choose the Create Ultimate Journal Entry action.

In addition, you can optionally choose a photo that is added to the top of the journal entry when it is created. I like to drag this photo down below the star rating once in Day One but feel free to keep it at the top or move it elsewhere in your journal entry as you wish.

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - Jan. 2, 2020, 2:31 a.m.

Initial version

Past versions