Running Late

Messages who you're meeting that you're running late, considering fudge time


Where Next and Running Late are impoved versions of these (rather standard) shortcuts found elsewhere (see credits). They have similar functionalities in that they relate to how much time you have to leave or get to a destination (or how late you are). Where Next provides driving directions to your next event, and Running Late messages who you're meeting that you're running late. Therefore, the text outputs are worded accordingly (and end with those different actions).

Improvements/changes include:

• allow fudge room time • look for events that have already begun a specified time ago as well as upcoming events • limit events found in other ways, such as no all-day events, ability to exclude particular calendars, etc. • more sensible contextual information, better wording, and more appropriate displays • configurable options (nudge time, minutes before to look, etc.)

Screenshots: • Running Late - Not Late YetRunning Late - Gotta Leave NowRunning Late - We're Running LateRunning Late - Message

Credits: Running Late - from the official Shortcuts Gallery

Latest Release Notes

1.2 - Oct. 23, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Fixed some possible bugs

Past versions