TV - Menu Selector to Open Apps on Apple TV

Menu selection TV. Gorgeous menu with Network/App icons


Tapping a icon will present you with a menu to Open the app or Activate the app as we sometimes have to do and open the Remote app linked to that particular Apple TV. I tried to make it as clean as possible and commented on steps to add other networks in which are also listed below. Thanks to /u/Matthewr_1987 and /u/Mralexhay for the help and support in figuring out this dictionary stuff. The shortcut does rely on Toolbox Pro’s free actions Create Menu Item and Sort List, so download below.

You will have to go into the shortcut and select your Apple TV on the Open App on Apple TV actions

To get the icon for any networks you want to add, download and run the below shortcut. Search for the app, select the one you want and it will save the image, base64 encode it and copy the info to the clipboard. Paste it into the dictionary explained below.

AppStore icon Base64

To add a new Network/App, hit the green + and add a new Dictionary to the bottom of the Dictionary below. For the Key, add the name of the Network/App name. Tap where it says 0 items and add a Text field. For the key, label it icon. For the value, paste the Base64 text copied to the clipboard. Add a second text field if service requires activation, label it activate and add the url to the networks activation link.


To add another network/app to the list, scroll down to the very last Otherwise tab that you see below within the IF statements. Right below it, add another IF statement. Tap where it says Chosen Item, scroll down and select name. Tap Condition and select "contains". Then input the name of the network/app and add a Open App on Apple TV action, choose your app and Apple TV.

Finding last otherwise

Drag the Show Webpage action right below the newly created Otherwise tab made from the IF statement we just added from the above comment.

I tried to avoid all the IF statements but shortcuts would draw up an error anytime I tried to use the Ask Each Time option on the Open App On Apple TV action and theres no way to pass a variable to the action to select a specific Apple TV or App.

And yes, this can all be simplified with just two actions, Wake Apple TV and Open App on Apple TV but I really like the menu option and display of only my favorite apps. But if you'd a simple Apple TV Shortcut that will ask you which Apple TV and App to open.

Apple TV Simple

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - Jan. 5, 2020, 10:24 p.m.

Initial release

Past versions