Unicode Font Variants

Transforms a text into a similar string made with Unicode symbols that resemble different typefaces


This shortcut transforms a text input into a similar string build with Unicode symbols that resemble different typefaces. They can be used to simulate having different fonts where only plain text is available.

By default it offers 15 font variants (which are easy to delete or add), and the final result is shown to the user before it can be copied. AFAIK it is the first such tool that does this while keeping diacritics.

First published at https://www.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/comments/ap32ak/unicode_font_variants_now_with_diacritics/ (Feb'19).

Update published at https://www.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/comments/avxmea/update_to_unicode_font_variants_v121/ (Mar'19)

¡También disponible en español!

Tipos de letra Unicode 1.2.1

Latest Release Notes

1.3.0 - Jan. 16, 2020, 8:41 p.m.

v1.3.0: Refactorized in ScPL (hence still compatible with iOS 12). Added support for UpdateHub.

Past versions