What Song Defines Your Life?

Select your birthdate and you get the song as output


This is a shortcut version of the website: https://www.thesongthatdefinesyourlife.com/

Select your date of birth and the output of the song that defines your life will be shown. After you can hear the song on YouTube, Spotify or Apple Music. Post your ideas and feedback in the comments. Thanks for using this shortcut!

-Multiple Language Support You must choose your device language and all the text will automatically translate into the chosen device language. In the device language english it should work perfectly fine. But if you use other languages than english, tell me pls if there are any bugs.

Ps. The translation is grammatically not always right

Latest Release Notes

1.2 - March 3, 2020, 9:51 p.m.

-Bug fixes
-Multiple Language Support

Past versions