
Overlays selected photos on a square of color you choose in matching size for Instagram


Instagram is a fun place to post photos, but with some aggravating "features". Specifically if you make a multi-photo post where you've opted to show the whole photo (instead of square) and the photos are not all the same aspect ratio/orientation, then it will crop all subsequent photos to be the same shape and orientation as the first photo. This means you have to either live with some horrible zooming and cropping of your vacation pics, or make multiple posts, one for each aspect ratio/orientation.

InstaSquare lets you get around this limitation. Run InstaSquare, choose a background color (Black, White, Mauve, Viridian or Custom), select one or more photos from your Library, and it will create copies of your photos each overlaid on top of a matching size square of the selected color. Then you can post them to Instagram - they will be the most recently added photos - which Instagram sees as its favorite shape, but the user sees them in all their varying aspect ratio glory.

You may also run InstaSquare from your own shortcut and pass in the URL of an image to use as the Custom option. Note that only the very center of the image is used for the color. A good source of colors for InstaSquare is You must pass in the URL of the image itself. For example, here is red:

Latest Release Notes

2.6 - May 28, 2020, 4:12 a.m.

- Switched to embedded updates via crunch-a-update, based on the excellent embed-a-update, with the addition of version skipping.

Past versions