
Create checklists that can be restored from their original template


Have you ever needed to be able to check items off a list similar to reminders, but also want to be able to restore the list to its original state without a lot of work or hassle?

Welcome to ListZone! This is the answer to the question at hand! You can create template lists and use them to create your checklist. These can be useful for trip preparation or many other tasks in life.


To use ListZone, run the shortcut, and create a template by providing a name, then providing the contents (separated by new lines). After finishing the template, you’re now ready to create a checklist from the template, to which you can check items off the list as you complete them.

If you finish everything and are ready to start over again, you can easily import the template again.

ListZone supports Re:Updater to stay up to date while using YOUR favorite updater of choice instead of relying on the updater that I choose.

Click the image below to get Re:Updater

re Updater

Latest Release Notes

0.50 - Feb. 5, 2020, 4:57 a.m.

Initial Release

Past versions