Homebridge Manager

so simple Homebridge server management with Siri!


This is a simple shortcut for Homebridge users! It allows you to manage your Homebridge server with some basic tools.

Latest Release Notes

3.0 - June 18, 2020, 7:03 p.m.

note for all those downloading, this will be the last update i push to here for a while. i have merged this tool with the Siri Homebridge Manager. i will soon be releasing a widget its own under a different posting once i figure it out. if that is what you are looking for, feel free to download one of the older versions (1.2 or older)

What's new in version 3.0

- Added a Diagnostic tool. This tool will run checks on your instance to determine if it is connected to your network, Home bridge is running, check your Node JS version, remove all cached accessories, and pull your config for review.

- Total Actions: #269
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-06-18

Past versions