Move To MergeCuts • Action Blocks conversion tool

Move Action Blocks from ActionCuts into MergeCuts as snippets.


Move to MergeCuts

by BurritoSOFTWARE

This shortcut provides you a way to move your Action Blocks from ActionCuts and convert them into MergeCuts snippets in your library.

CAUTION! BurritoSOFTWARE is not responsible for loss of Action Blocks or MergeCuts snippets. While this tool does not overwrite or delete your Action Blocks nor Snippets, we are not responsible for improper use of the tool. This tool will probably not do that however :D

You do not need MergeCuts to use this tool. That way, you can move your library first and install MergeCuts after if you'd like.


  • You are running iOS 13 or later.

  • ActionCuts is installed and you have at least 1 action in your Action Blocks library.

Moving To MergeCuts

  1. Make sure the Status Monitor shows double checks on both ActionCuts and MergeCuts. If you do not have any actions in your Action Blocks library, the move button will be greyed out.

  2. Press "Move To MergeCuts" and confirm that you want to move.

  3. Done! Open your MergeCuts library and your blocks will be there as snippets.

Latest Release Notes

1.1 - May 7, 2020, 12:36 a.m.

Version 1.1 Release Notes
- Nothing changed, just testing

- Total Actions: #100
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-05-06

Past versions