
UpdateLab, always fast and clean!



Welcome to UpdateLab, this shortcut is an updater. UpdateLab checks for updates for all your shortcuts.

Why UpdateLab?

All versions support

UpdateLab is an updater with something that only a few updaters have, all version support. You can use normal version "1.0", multi-decimal versions "1.9" and fully worded version "alpha" and "beta". No matter what you put there, UpdateLab will always show you if you have an update or rollback.

UpdateLab Engine

UpdateLab uses a special engine. Because of this engine UpdateLab can always detect a "Update" or "Rollback".

Fast and clean

UpdateLab is fast and clean, but what you’re seeing is not the full UpdateLab. This shortcut is still in development. You can expect a lot of things in the future.

Offline check

UpdateLab first will check if a user is offline. This way you don’t have to check if a user is offline.

Output code

When UpdateLab stops it will output some code. This way you can run specific actions based on the output code.

How to integrate?

Thanks for being interested in UpdateLab you can find all the information here.


UpdateLab Update/Rollback menu UpdateLab Main menu

Latest Release Notes

3.1.1 - March 16, 2020, 9:07 a.m.

• Bugs fixed
• Spelling mistakes fixed

Past versions