Wipe Your Ass

How many days will your supply of toilet paper last?


Made for iOS 13

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Wipe Your Ass

"Wipe Your Ass" calculates the number of days the amount of toilet paper you currently own will last. No more, no less. The shortcut takes into account the number of rolls you have, the number of sheets per roll, the number of daily toilet visits, the number of wipes per visit and the number of sheets per wipe.


Important note: This shortcut is satire. Please do not let the current situation drive you crazy unnecessarily. We should all take a little bit more care of ourselves these days and think about our fellow human beings. Do not be selfish and do not hoard toilet paper.

In my area, there is currently no supermarket or drugstore where you can buy toilet paper because people are panic buying. That's why I came up with the idea for this shortcut.


Wipe Your Ass Mockup


Exclusively available on RoutineHub.co

This Shortcut is available exclusively on RoutineHub.co. If you find it somewhere else, it's a fake. Please let me know in the comments below if you found this Shortcut somewhere else. Thanks.


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Made by ROPcuts

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - March 17, 2020, 9:56 p.m.

Initial Release

Past versions