Corona Stats By State (USA)

See COVID19 Stats Per USA State



Welcome to Corona Stats By State!


This shortcut is powered by data from WorldOMeters.

Instructions for use:

  • Run the shortcut
  • Choose from Main Menu options

    • Select the state(s) you are interested in

    • Use Saved States

    • Turn Logging and Charting On/Off

    • Delete Stored Data (choose files to delete)

    • Run Updater

  • See the result in the summary (its that easy!)

  • After you are done looking at the summary, hit Done and you’ll be prompted with the Secondary Menu

    • Chart The Selected State Data (if Logging and Charting is enabled)

    • Run Again

    • Exit

Note: The charting feature uses Google Chart API and does not save the image automatically, you will have to choose where to store it if you choose to do so.

As of v1.14, the main menu has a conditional prompt and menu buttons that will change if there is an update available. You will be notified this way of an update available as well as the changes included in the update.

As of v1.22, there is a file converter to adapt the older text files for storing state data into JSON format (for optimized charting). There is also a new file optimizer that will clean up unnecessary date entries (if there are date/time stamps in sequence with the same count of cases, it will keep the latest one).

Shoutout to: u/Crunchewy from Reddit/Discord for the inspiration for this ROP for MediaKit Banners used for this page

Below are examples of what the shortcut looks like as of the latest version Note: File Optimizer is dependent on your files having been converted to JSON already

Main Menu


Main Menu with Update Available


State Chooser and Summary


Secondary Menu (with charting option depending on settings)



Time based x-axis that auto scales over time newch

More updates will come in the future for various fixes (if needed). Watch for them in the main menu.

Latest Release Notes

1.26 - June 2, 2020, 2:09 p.m.

- fix for summary report

Past versions