Photo Map Thumbnail

Adds thumbnail map to photos


Adds a thumbnail map to the selected photo showing where it was taken.

You have the option of using the built-in Apple Maps thumbnail to show on your photo. There is no customisation to this; it’s set to streetmap view, and the zoom level cannot be changed.

Alternatively, you can download the companion shortcut which lets you use Google Maps instead. Here, you can choose the map type and zoom level.

Optional detail can be added to the thumbnail: date & time, long/lat coordinates, altitude, bearing and location name (city, county/state, country).

Thumbnail can be S/M/L/XL and placed in any of the 4 corners of the image.

Google Maps thumbnails require a Google Maps API key. See here for more info:

Latest Release Notes

6.1 - Nov. 9, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

Added new formats for longitude/latitude

User defines (in body of shortcut) which long/lat format to use

Option to select just datestamp in header/footer (without the time).

Added option to share photo once created

Past versions