
Extract OCR text (handwriting or printed) from any image or PDF


TextFromImage takes a PDF/Photo Album Image/New Photo as input. The file is optimized and sent for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) via a free cloud OCR API Service. The user is returned the output in various forms for use or display. TextFromImage recognizes both handwriting and computer printed text across a wide variety of languages.

Results are output: - as text to clipboard; - view within shortcut; - as an interactive quickview of the raw data; or - as a searchable pdf which is generated in the shortcut and presented as a file for saving.

You need to register for a free apikey in order to make use of the OCR server. This key 100% free and does not expire. The service has your privacy in mind and text recognition results or source images are saved on the server. Details of obtaining an apikey are presented to you on first run of the shortcut.

Attribution: For viewing the raw JSON data I borrowed heavily from the View Dictionary [https://routinehub.co/shortcut/307] shortcut created by @supermamon. All credit to @supermamon for the excellent work.

Latest Release Notes

2.6 - July 23, 2020, 6:31 p.m.

- Updated the process for adding a user’s API key on first run/first installation. The user now gets clearer information on how and where to save the API key for use in the shortcut
- Added in example text for the apikey.txt file which the shortcut uses for authentication.

Past versions