PassKit Integration Demo

An example of integration with PassKit.


An example of integration with PassKit, for developers.

Please download Passkit.

Info for developers:

Include the shortcut name as Shortcut Name

If you would like to pass the password in from another shortcut, (for whatever reason,) You can include the password the user inputs in a value Pass_Input, or Pass Input.

If you would like to test PassKit’s installed version, pass Test Version as a boolean set to True. The shortcut will return the version and nothing else.

If you would like to test if your shortcut’s password has been set in PassKit, pass CheckExists as a boolean set to true, along with your shortcut’s name. (Shortcut Name, string.) This will return the string True if your shortcut’s password is set, or False if your shortcut’s password is not set.

To prompt users to set a Facade Password, set a boolean Facade to True. Where the comment says to make your facade mode code, either code a new version of the shortcut that looks real but is not, or change a variable that changes everything else up. (such as changing the directory it uses for file saving, that kinda thing.) If you go with the latter, remember to remove the ‘exit shortcut’ action, as your code will continue, (though with minor alterations.)

As an optional additional security feature, test for a file: /Shortcuts/PassKit/Version.txt If it exists, check if the value of the file is anything other than 1.32.6 This is the only valid value for the file, as it was added in that version and removed in the version after. The file may still exist on users’ devices who had the version installed, but a file with a more recent version number is a counterfeit.

Latest Release Notes

4.5 - July 4, 2020, 12:49 a.m.

oof there was some wrong info

Past versions