R⤓Updater Embed

Embed R⤓Updater in your shortcut


R⤓Updater Embed is an updater like no other. Instead of requiring users download an extra shortcut to update yours, embed-a-update is embedded directly into your shortcut.

Why R⤓Updater Embed?

There are so many different updaters, all requiring people to download a different shortcut just to check for updates. Why not have an updater that doesn't require any downloads?

R⤓Updater Embed is an updater that gets embedded inside your shortcut. When people run your shortcut, even if it's the only shortcut they have installed, it just works.

R⤓Updater Embed only takes 21 actions to use in your shortcut. This shortcut can be used to automatically add those actions.

Less actions than Embed-an-Update, Swing Updater E!

Latest Release Notes

1.0.1 - April 17, 2020, 12:37 p.m.

Embed It Now!!

Past versions