BeatMaker 3 Kit Creator

This widget allows you to instantly create a BeatMaker 3 Kit.


A simple utility that allows you to instantly create a BeatMaker 3 kit. The completed kit is saved directly on iCloud Drive at “Shortcuts/BeatMaker 3/Projects/“Kit Name”

  • Kits are stored in divisions of 8 for ergonomics.
  • Accepts all files, but only .wav and .mp3 can be successfully converted.

Once the conversion is done, please move the folder of the kit directly to your “BeatMaker 3” folder found on your iPad.

Script created by #SEONN Tutorial at:

Latest Release Notes

1.01 - April 1, 2020, 4:30 a.m.

First release.

Does not require you to prepare your iCloud Folder before converting. The first time running this script will take a little more time (due to needing to set up)

Past versions