A Good Thing

Write down the good stuff. Reflect on it later. Realize how good you have it.


A simple shortcut that allows you to write down in as much detail as you want about something good that has happened in your life recently. It doesn’t even have to be a good thing that happened to you, just something good that made you feel positive about yourself, someone else, humanity, nature, or the world.

The more things you write about the more good things you will be able to reflect on later. Open this list up every so often to reflect on all the nice things that have blessed your life at some point. Just remember, you will only get the benefit of having this list if you add to the list, so get to writing!

Supporting Shortcut

Tally Up Pro: don’t lose count.

  • Keep track of journal entries & more!
  • Easy integration into other shortcuts.
  • Track milestones by setting a benchmark target.
  • View your data in a nice line graph to see your progress.
  • Other bells and whistles to boot.

RoutineHub: 4972

Latest Release Notes

1 - April 10, 2020, 7:08 p.m.


Past versions