Get Direct Link

Retrieves a direct Dropbox link to your chosen Shortcut


Get Direct Link

This Shortcut is useful for those who are building Shortcuts with dependencies. It will save your chosen shortcut to a folder called /Shortcuts/Shared/ in your Dropbox, create a public link, and convert the link to a direct download link; removing Dropbox landing page.


  • Shortcuts App
  • Dropbox


Encode this direct link and drop it into the Shortcut URL Scheme to create a quick install for your users. Here's how it works.

[URL] -> (Direct Link)

[URL Encode] -> (Encode)

[Set Variable] -> (DirectLinkEncoded)

[Text] -> (Short Cut Name)

[URL Encode] -> (Encode)

[Set Variable] -> (ShortCutNameEncoded)

[URL] -> (shortcuts://import-workflow?url=(DirectLinkEncoded)&name=(ShortcutNameEncoded))

[Open URLs]

Latest Release Notes

1.3 - Oct. 25, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

Fixed version issue, which always said there was an update.

Past versions