
AirForce Beta

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1.0 B5 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
- ScreenKit support has been added
- Small setup's improvements (thanks to @mvan231 for the feedback)


1.0 B4 2 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Fixed a bug that made the shortcut crash when looking for flights on a route and using some particular filters.


1.0 B3 2 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
Air Force Beta 3 fixes some issues and introduces some new small features.

• Fixed a bug in research history;
• Flight tracking process is now more stable and has an higher success rate;
• Some others small fixes

New Features:
• Flights' hours are now displayed using the system time zone. You can turn this setting of and revert to locale time zones in Preferences;
• You can now see the flight's progress thanks to a wonderful and fresh progress-bar in the displayed result.


1.0 B2 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Beta 2 brings some new features and a lot of minor fixes and improvements.

Check! Documentation is coming soon there...

Research history is here! You can now quickly pick a flight between your latest five flights searched and look for it!

Refresh feature is here! Have you looked for a flight but you want to know updated informations? Tap on the refresh button in the result’s page and you’ll done! Note that this feature works better if you have chosen to open results in Safari instead of Quick look, nevertheless works with both.

I’ve also made some small bug fixes, graphic improvements and I’ve removed a lot of useless actions.


1.0 B1 3 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
Initial BETA release.