Control Center ++

One Shortcut Does it All!


Control Center ++

What is Control Center ++?
This Shortcut is pretty much a more advanced Control Center with extra utilities and other features that provide day to day functionality for everyday users.

Has over 30 different toggles and options with vcards for all menus and has over 750 actions. Supports iOS 13 and should support iOS 12 although it isn't tested.

When you run the shortcut for the first time, some quick pop-ups will show
up explaining and showing some important information about the shortcut.

Then the shortcut will go through 3 parts:
Part 1: Permissions & Info
Part 2: Agreeing to the permissions on part 1
Part 3: Asks you to automatically check for updates
Part 4: Setup passcode for password locker (optional)
Every time you update the shortcut the
changes of the new version will show up

This shortcut and all its content and actions are protected by copyright. You are free to download shortcut but are not allowed to use any of its features without my permission.
View certificate here

Requires access to:

•iCloud Drive
Required for 4 different features and the shortcut filesystem
To update shortcut and install apple betas
•Messages and Contacts
For iMessage spammer to work
For email spammer to work
For some toggles to work properly
•Camera and Photos
For Quick Video and Hide Photos features to work properly


  • Password Generator
  • Apple Beta Profiles
  • Spam Bots
  • Password Manager
  • Shortcut Backup
  • Hide Photos In Files
  • Video In The Dark
  • Flip a Coin
  • Battery Saver
  • Fast Connectivity Toggles
Includes Individual Settings For Most Of These Utilities


Let me know about any bugs or any features you would like to see in future updates
Reddit: u/EzWzs
Discord: EzWzs#3010

More Support Options Inside Shortcut


Thanks to entee for Menu Builder which helped in the software to make the vcards in this shortcut
Thanks to for the software required to install developer beta profiles


I Push Updates Normally 1-2 Times a Week
Working about 2 hours a day on this shortcut and only push updates once i know they are in a stable state with little to no bugs
Uses my own automatic updater after version 5.1
In versions <5.0 uses swing updater from d3w10
Will be releasing this updater in another shortcut later on!


Latest Release Notes

5.3 - July 9, 2020, 4:24 a.m.

•Added 2 New Games<
•Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
•Dice Roll Game
•Added Test Mode
•Flip a Coin was in wrong spot

Past versions