Send Audio ZIP files to Blocs Wave

This shortcut was designed to directly import project files from Ampify Groovebox into Blocs Wave.


Designed for iOS 13. Shoutout to @k_al on Instagram for the suggestion

This shortcut allows the user to extract a file from Groovebox (and other .zip files from other apps) and import it directly into Blocs Wave. Audio has to be inside the folder. Cannot be inside a folder of a folder.

To use this shortcut, “share” the .zip file, and find the shortcut in your sharesheet. If this is your first shortcut, ensure to “Add untrusted Shortcuts” from “Settings/Shortcuts” on your device.

Haven’t tested it for other cases, but feel free to leave a comment about which apps worked for you.

Created by #SEONN (@seonnthaproducer)

How it works -

Latest Release Notes

1.01 - April 16, 2020, 6:46 p.m.

Initial version.

Past versions