MPG Tracker

Log you miles per gallon (mpg) for your vehicle



  • Data Jar

  • Toolbox Pro (paid version)

  • Charty

Initial Config

This shortcut when imported will ask you what you want to name your database in the Data Jar store. Other than that it should not need anything else. It is imperative you have those apps installed above, i could not add Toolbox Pro or Charty to the dependencies. Will add them when i can find out what is going on.

There are comments in the shortcut to explain what it is doing.

How it works:

  1. App starts off by checking is a Vehicle name exists in the database i.e. does A database even exist if not it will ask you to enter a vehicle name after wards that is the name it will use and it knows that this is no longer your first time logging data

  2. After it will run through and ask you to enter your current mileage, price / gal, and total price OR total gallons.

  3. Then it asks you if you are fulling filling it up (Yes or no) and if you missed one before. This is so that i knows if MPG should even be calculated as that is how Fuelly works so i just copied how it works. This is pretty obvious to me as you don't want to log MPG when you skipped one or you missed a log entry.

  4. Then it will go ahead and log the data to the database after calculating MPG. If there are any errors such as negative mileage (i.e. you add a log that is when subtracted by your previous mileage comes out negative it will error out), you didn't supply all the necessary information, etc.

  5. Then IF this is not your first log it will do such as calculating Avg and giving you a graph of only nonzero MPGs over time.

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - April 21, 2020, 8:23 p.m.

This version uses Data Jar, TPB, and Charty to log your mpg for your vehicle and create a good looking chart of your mpg overtime.

I other builds I may create one with less depencies, but Charty is a must.

Past versions