Playlist Import & Play

Import a Spotify playlist to your Apple Music account and start playing it


This is a share-sheet shortcut which you can invoke from within the Spotify app, whenever you see a playlist you want to import to your Apple Music library.

It uses the Playlisty app, so it also works from the BBC Sounds app and (from Safari) a bunch of websites such as It also works for YouTube music playlists and can be invoked from Safari, the YouTube app, or the YouTube Music app. Note: there’s a bug in the YouTube api which restricts some common playlists to 26 tracks (nothing we can do about this). Your personal YouTube playlists should work fine though.

I'm uploading it here as it might be useful to anyone looking to use Playlisty within a shortcut.

Latest Release Notes

0.2 - July 7, 2020, 12:35 p.m.

Updated to reflect the new 1.12 release of Playlisty. This version is much shorter, simpler & slicker as Playlisty now runs fully in the background and takes care of many of the complexities that previously had to be handled in the shortcut itself e.g. generating unique playlist names & detecting when imports had finished. It now outputs the name of the playlist that it saved.

Past versions