Mail Merge via Data Jar

Send personalized batch emails using Data Jar as a database of recipients.



This is a mail merge shortcut that supports multiple variables (Keys) for email addresses and a second (or more) piece of information for each recipient. Each email address is automatically paired with the corresponding second variable (Key) by populating emails and other variables (Keys) from a Data Jar collection.

Data Jar

A list of Data Jar Keys will be provided to select the key containing the recipient database. In Data Jar, you should have a List such as “Recipients. In that List, each recipient should be a Dictionary that contains Keys named Email, First_Name, and Last_Name with the corresponding value for each. If your dictionary uses different syntax for the keys, you will have to modify the steps to “Get Value for Email/Last_Name/First_Name in Dictionary” in the shortcut.


An input for the Subject will be requested.


You share the Body text from the share sheet to this Shortcut. If no text is received from the share sheet, it will ask for the Body by pasting or typing in an Ask for Input.


I have generate to canned salutations “Dear Dr. Last_Name,” and “Dear First_Name,” which you choose from a list. Additional ones can be added as needed by you.


The email composer has profiled text I have entered to fill out the email using the selected salutation, the shared/entered body, and my email signature. You will have to revise this composer to meet your needs. Currently, I have “Show Compose Sheet” on. This means it will show the composer for each email and require you to hit send. It can be turned off, if you want the shortcut to automatically fire off all the emails automatically.

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - May 16, 2020, 4:43 a.m.

None - 1.0

Past versions