
Ultimate Mac Tool

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2.5 1 month, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Version 2.5 Release Notes
- new notifications for a few tools :) ISP Speed test is one notable example (no sitting in silence)
- new welcome screen after updates :)
-new file placed in shortcut folder for last run :)

- Total Actions: #482
- Created on iOS 14.0
- Released at 2020-06-26


2.3 1 month, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 2.3 Release Notes
- a minor fix allows for Volume control to work in iOS devices running the iOS 14 beta

- Total Actions: #464
- Created on iOS 14.0
- Released at 2020-06-24


2.2 1 month, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 2.2 Release Notes

What’s new:
-the updater will now open the shortcut directly in Shortcuts. No need to open Safari.

- Total Actions: #464
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-06-15


2.1 2 months ago
iOS 13
fixed a few key dependencies.


2.0.1 2 months ago
iOS 13
Here is what is new with version 2.0!

Lock and unlock feature
using the Unlock feature will always prompt for a password regardless of authentication.

Password-less and SSH Key support!

What does this mean, if you are so inclined, you can use SSH keys to use this shortcut without a password! Set up is simple.
Create an empty shortcut and add an SSH option. In the settings for it, select Keys. You can then generate one (you only need to do it once per iPhone) and you can share that key to your Mac. Each Mac will need a copy.

You can then go to the home folder, .ssh/authorized_keys and append it to the file.

If the folder doesn’t exist, open terminal and type “mkdir ~/.ssh” then create the file using “nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys” from there you can paste it in the file, press ctrl-o and Ctrl-x to save the file :)

in the shortcut, you need to add an authentication method. so go into settings, change configuration, then select authentication. you can then tap yes, and it will use the SSH key you have created :)

- Total Actions: #456
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-06-02


2.0 2 months ago
iOS 13
Version 2.0 Release Notes

Here is what is new with version 2.0!

Password-less and SSH Key support!

What does this mean, if you are so inclined, you can use SSH keys to use this shortcut without a password! Set up is simple.
Create an empty shortcut and add an SSH option. In the settings for it, select Keys. You can then generate one (you only need to do it once per iPhone) and you can share that key to your Mac. Each Mac will need a copy.

You can then go to the home folder, .ssh/authorized_keys and append it to the file.

If the folder doesn’t exist, open terminal and type “mkdir ~/.ssh” then create the file using “nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys” from there you can paste it in the file, press ctrl-o and Ctrl-x to save the file :)

- Total Actions: #456
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-06-02


1.7 2 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Version 1.7 Release Notes
- added an additional escape option from the tools menu.
- added an option to change macs from the tools menu.

- Total Actions: #357
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-05-28


1.6 2 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Release updates for 1.6

What’s new:
- added an unlock your Mac feature! This will allow you to unlock your Mac over the network. You need to run this once and approve it’s access in security settings on your Mac.
- Internet speed test tool! This requires a brew package called “speediest-cli” to get it, you can go here ( it’s a home-brew package, so you will also need home-brew installed :)
- MacBook battery level tool! This tool can fetch the battery level, charging status, and estimated time till depletion of your battery. If you don’t have any battery in your Mac, you will be told you don’t have one :)

- Fixed the Install updates tool. It now uses sudo, and requires that you set up a password less sudo. If you do not want to run that risk, don’t use this tool :)
- Added some notifications to certain tools (time machine specifically)
- Added an exit shortcut option from the Mac selection screen.

- Total Actions: #351
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-05-28


1.5 2 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Welcome! Here is what is new:

- Volume control! You can mute or set the volume on any Mac now!

the big AppleScript update! Here is what it entails:

- you can add file-paths to AppleScript files that you can call at the tap of a menu! This allows you to store frequently used applescripts and call upon them whenever you need!
- you can change their file-paths
- you can also delete them (in multiples)

- Total Actions: #328
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-05-22


1.4 2 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 1.4 Release Notes
- I added an escape option from the computer selection screen. So you can go back to the main menu easily!

- Total Actions: #204
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-05-21


1.3 2 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 1.3 Release Notes
- added some additional verbiage for names of machines

If you used version 1.1, you need to either reset the shortcut or change your configurations (change anything) passwords are no longer stored on your iCloud Drive.

- Total Actions: #200
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-05-20


1.2 2 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 1.2 Release Notes
- this improves the security of the shortcut. Reset this shortcut by going into settings, and tapping reset shortcut.

- Total Actions: #199
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-05-20


1.1.1 2 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 1.1.1 Release Notes
- shortcut will now only run in app (sorry HomePod users) this will improve widget performance

- Total Actions: #202
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-05-19


1.1 2 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 1.1 Release Notes
- fixed the restart command (it shouldn’t error out now)

- Total Actions: #201
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-05-19


1.0 2 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Initial release! Enjoy!