Travel Assistant

Allows you to find various locations by category as you are traveling places.


Traveling and need to find the nearest gas station, hotel, restaurant, and much more? Look no further! This shortcut will help you.

Travel Assistant easily displays various categories in a list that you can select and then finds those based on your current location.

You have the option to use either of the following mapping services:

  • Apple Maps
  • Google Maps
  • Waze

Find things like:

  • Gas Stations
  • Fast Food
  • Coffee
  • Hotels
  • Hospitals
  • Urgent Care
  • Shopping Centers
  • Restaurants
  • Charging Stations (Cars)
  • Pharmacies
  • Banks & ATMs
  • Groceries

There is no configuration on your part!

This shortcut supports Swing Updater!

This shortcut supports Swing Updater!

  • Special thanks to @D3W10 for creating the wonderful Swing Updater [E]
  • Thanks to @Harley Hicks for the wonderful RoutineHub community


Latest Release Notes

2.0 - June 5, 2020, 7:57 p.m.

HUGE UPDATE! The update includes menus for navigation throughout the shortcut. Rewrote the entire app from the ground up for speed and performance. Have a browse! I hope you like it.
- Shortcut update is now under Settings > Check for updates

Past versions