Add Values to Data Jar

Add Values to a Data Jar List or Dictionary of Dictionaries


This shortcut is intended to add one dictionary to a Data Jar List or Dictionary Key Path containing other dictionaries. I use this to add a new person to my "Team Members" Data Jar Key Path. This "Team Members" Key Path is a dictionary containing a dictionary for each person with values for First Name, Last Name, pronoun, etc (idea courtesy of ScottyJ). I run this shortcut to add a new person to the team. When run, the shortcut will present a list of your current Data Jar Key Paths for you to choose which you would like to add data to ("Team Members" in this example). It will then get all the current Keys in that dictionary and ask for a value for each. Enter each value as you are asked. A dictionary will be generated and added to the selected Data Jar Key Path List/Dictionary which will be viewed at the end. This is much easier and more accurate (instead of remember Keys) than adding individual Key-Value pairs manually in Data Jar.

Add Values to Data Jar

Latest Release Notes

1.1 - May 27, 2020, 8:37 p.m.

Previous version permitted only adding of a Dictionary to a Dictionary of Dictionaries. Here, I’ve add steps so the Shortcut will determine if the Key Path is a List or Dictionary and then add a Dictionary to the selected Key Path based on Key Values in existing entries in the List/Dictionary (first item in a List or last item in a Dictionary).

Past versions