
Slice panoramas and other landscape photos into squares for Instagram


InstaPanorama slices selected panorama and other landscape-orientation photos into perfect squares for seamless presentation on Instagram. Smoothly swipe between the images with no gaps. The sliced photos are added to Recents in reverse order for easy posting in the Instagram app.

Just run InstaPanorama and select one or more photos in your photo library. For each you will be shown three options for alignment (left aligned, centered and right aligned), showing how the photo is aligned and sliced for each. Choose the one that looks best and InstaPanorama adds the sliced images to your Photos library in reverse order so that when you post them to Instagram they appear in correct order in the photo chooser.

To post the panorama, launch Instagram and tap the + to post, then tap the multiple image post button and select each image from the panorama - they appear in the photo chooser in the correct order. Once posted, users will be able to seamlessly swipe through the images with no gaps!

Latest Release Notes

1.5 - June 2, 2020, 3:22 a.m.

- Now can be used on any photo that is wider than it is tall (“landscape”), not just panoramas.
- Now presents 3 possible alignments to choose from for your photo: Left Aligned (same as version 1.0), Centered and Right Aligned. The preview shows how the photo will look in each case as well as where the slices are. After viewing the options, tap “Done” and then choose the one you liked best from a menu.

Past versions