Settings Shortcut Generator

Easily create shortcuts to jump into the setting that you need


Based on Federico Viticci's A Comprehensive Guide to All 120+ Settings URLs Supported by iOS and iPadOS 13.1, this shortcut allows to easily create small shortcuts that quickly jump to the place in the Settings app that you want to go.

Viticci explains step by step in his article how to create these mini-shortcuts, but I've found myself doing it for others enough times that I decided to automate it.

AFAIK there is no way to avoid the ".shortcut" in the name of the generated shortcut, so that requires a small manual step. Also, not every path works in every device. Check that the generated shortcut works before sharing it with anyone!

Latest Release Notes

1.0.0 - May 30, 2020, 9:27 p.m.

First public version

Past versions