Trip Organizer

Make your trip hassle free!



I created this shortcut because there is always a couple of things, ok maybe more, that I forget to take with me when I leave for a trip.

Basically it creates a check list in Things App.

On Things App create a New Project called "Trip Organizer". Inside the new project create two new Headings one "Domestic" and one "International". Also if you want you can create two new tags one called "Trip" and the other "Trip Organizer".

The info you have to provide when the shortcut starts is as follows.. - Destination of your trip. - If it is Domestic or Overseas. - Date of the trip. - Co-travellers. (You can add as many as you want in the dictionary called "With"). - Items. (You check or uncheck the items to take with you. All items are pre-checked, since you will check most of them anyway. The pre-added items are in greek language , but you can delete those and create your own in the dictionary called "Items").

As always if you have any suggestions please leave a feedback. Enjoy!! Thank you!

Latest Release Notes

2.4 - June 24, 2020, 11:06 p.m.

- Fixed a bug where you could get URL encoded lines as a result if you choose more than one options in "With" dictionary.

- Implemented an integrated update method. So now you don't need the extra Shortcut "UpdateKit". You should keep it though because other Shortcuts may need it.

Past versions