Directions to Next Event

Get directions to your next event - Drive, Walk or Public Transport


Directions to Next Event is one of the first shortcuts I made. Hope you like it.

It will get your calendar event/meetings, then will ask you how you want to get there (car,walking, public transport), then will calculate the time to your event/meeting accordingly to your previous selection and what time you should leave to get there in time. Last it will open Google Maps for the directions. You can change the navigation app if you don't like the Google Maps.

Also there is an option to create a reminder for the time you have to leave if you choose "Later". For this to work you must create a new List in Reminders App and name it "Next Event Directions" or anything you want and choose that list in the "Add New Reminder" action. It will notify you when you need to leave.

You can add as many persons as you want in the "With" dictionary.

As always if you have any suggestions please leave a feedback. Enjoy!!

Latest Release Notes

2.4 - June 15, 2020, 6:16 a.m.

Integrated QuickUpdate.
Now you don't have to download an additional Shortcut for the updates.

Past versions