TBP Updater

Snippet to manage Shortcut updates using the free Toolbox Pro actions.


This is a short (less than 20 actions) updater for Shortcuts from RoutineHub using the free app Toolbox Pro and its free actions to "Check RoutineHub for Updates" and "Preview".

  1. Download Toolbox Pro at https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/toolbox-pro-for-shortcuts/id1476205977.

  2. Enter the RoutineHub ID of your shortcut and the current local version number to the dictionary below.

  3. When an update is available, release notes can be viewed in Toolbox Pro Preview, and the current version URL can be opened to download and install the current version.

TBP Updater

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - June 24, 2020, 12:41 a.m.

Initial Release

Past versions