Birthday Helper

Remember about all the birthday messages!


Run this Shortcut everyday to make sure you don’t forget to send any birthday messages!

Birthday Helper Example


  • Automatically finds all contacts that have their birthdays today
  • Custom templates including smart values (more below)
  • Prompts to send an iMessage or a Text
  • Reminds you if you’ve already used the Shortcut this day, helping you avoid double messages!
  • Supports both iMessage and WhatsApp!
  • Email Fallback available when your contact doesn’t include a phone number

Smart Values

This feature helps your templates to be more personal

  • $age — gets replaced by the age (eg. 22)
  • $name — gets replaced by the First Name of your contact


  • This Shortcut uses UpdateKit (2.0) — A Shortcut for keeping shortcuts like these updated!
  • Enabling WhatsApp gives you the choice between sending with iMessage and WhatsApp every time you want to send a message :)

Latest Release Notes

1.9 - July 24, 2020, 7:27 a.m.

This update makes the shortcut work properly on iOS 14 :)

Past versions