
Rate the flings you had and store them in a single note!


Flinger - Rate the flings you had

What started out as a joke, became an idea to create a handy shortcut!

Flinger is a small and easy shortcut to keep track of the flings you had.


Currently, Flinger supports the following languages:

  • English
  • Dutch

How it works

Flinger asks you to provide a name, add a phone number (not required), Instagram profile (not required), date, and give a number for every criteria you have set. After that, it stores the information in a note in Apple's Notes app. The first time, a new note will be created, and every entry after that will be placed in the same note below the previous entry.


  • Rate your own set of criteria
  • Add Instagram (bio) name and username directly from within the Instagram app
  • Calculates an average after all the criteria have been rated
  • Integrated updater

Getting the name and username directly from the Instagram app

The name and Instagram username can be manually provided but also directly from within the Instagram app, which copies the (bio) name and username from an account. To do this, simply open the app and go to the account you would like to have the name and username of. Then, choose a random post from that account and share it with the Flinger shortcut!


This shortcut runs locally on your iPhone and does not require iCloud. It only connects to the internet to check for updates at the RoutineHub website and to fetch an Instagram user’s (bio) name and username from Instagram’s official page when opened from within the Instagram app.

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - July 27, 2020, 3:50 p.m.

Initial Release

Past versions