
Run a shortcut in sandboxed mode


Sandcut is made to ensure that user’s info and data is safe.
Running a shrotcut in sandboxed mode means gaining no user info and saving no file neither reading files.

Welcome to sandcut documentation. Sandcut is used to run a shortcut in sandboxed mode.

For now,sandcut only works with sandcompatible shortcuts. Sandcompatibling a shortcut may double your shortcut's action size,but it will gain the trust of users.

Sandcompatible your shrotcut using this method:

Add this to the first of your shortcut and add a comment saying "sandcompatible☑️":

Text "dXNpbmcgc2FuZGN1dDsKQm94LnNhbmRib3goKTs="
Decode text with base 64
If shortcut input is decoded text Then run the shortcut in sandboxed mode that has no file saving and reading neither no info gaining of user. Otherwise run the shortcut in normal mode

Please support us by making your shortcut sandcompatible.

Latest Release Notes

0.5 - July 28, 2020, 4:59 a.m.

Added more help

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