Alarms Creator

Allows quick and easy creation of an alarm and accompanying alarms.


This shortcut was designed around the new ability to create alarms in the new Shortcuts update. I wanted to play with it and also, for my first time, dive into creating a more complex shortcut.

What you can do:

  • Create an alarm for any time, with any name (wait - that's easy though?)

  • Add "Extra" alarms that accompany it before or after, with any number of extra alarms spaced however far apart you want.

Why the extra alarms?

I personally use it because I don't trust a single alarm to wake me up, and I bet many others don't either. Using this you can set up as many alarms as you want all in one easy process.

Some quick notes:

  • Use a "." instead of ":" when inputting time. This is due to the "number" input not having the option to use ":" unfortunately (though it makes sense), and I really hate the "wheel selector" for times on iOS so I didn't use it.

Usage Example: You wish to wake up at 6:30am. Run the shortcut, type in "6.30" and then select AM. You can now also add extra alarms, let's say 2, and space them out by, let's say 5 minutes, and select that you want them after the base alarm. You now have alarms for 6:30am, 6:35am, and 6:40am. You won't sleep through that hopefully!

Automatic updates powered by UpdateKit and RoutineHub.

Latest Release Notes

1.4 - Oct. 31, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

Fixed usage for those whose regional settings use a "," instead of a "." for decimals.

Past versions