Dictate to Translate

Allows you to Dictate words/sentences to get Translation to any Language (Uses MS Translate).


Dictate to Translate allows you with the power of Microsoft Translate to dictate words/sentences and then hear them or see them written out or both in any language you like. Handy for when your abroad or just need help in your education.

Dictate To Translate Supports UpdateKit. This allows me to update this shortcut when bugs or errors occur. I can rectify and fix them asap.

You can also get this as part of "Dictate To..." the ultimate all-in-one dictation to app shortcut. Get it Here!

Website: http://joshdeakin.com Click my username to the left for MORE Dictation Shortcuts & other type shortcuts.

Latest Release Notes

1.1 - Nov. 3, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

* Bug Fixed

Past versions