Date Passcode

Date to passcode



This is a proof of concept and a work in progress. Please notify me of bugs or improvements I could make by commenting on this page or by sending me a message on reddit

What does it do?

This will take the current date and will set it as the password (5/11/18 = 51118) and if the user runs it again then it will add a specified number to the previous password and will make the sum the new password (51118 + 13 = 51131 = new password).

If the user runs it again it will take the last calculation and add a specified number again to make a new password (51132 + 13 = 51144 = new password).

It will keep adding a number until a new day and that date will be set as the password ( 6/11/18 = new password).

Latest Release Notes

0.05 - Nov. 6, 2018, 8:30 a.m.

- Fixed date format

- Will now let you know how many failed and successful attempts there have been

Past versions