
Upload & get link for image/video. Appended/Prepend to clipboard. Insert custom text to clipboard.


  • First asks, if I want to upload an picture or video, exit the shortcut or continue on and work with text.
  • Choosing picture will get the latest photo and prompt if you want to upload it anonymously or to your profile (you must be signed in). After uploading the image, it will delete it from your Photos library.
  • Choosing video, it will then run a modified version of the Streamable Video Upload shortcut mentioned above and upload the video and set link as a variable to be passed through the rest of the actions of the shortcut.
  • Hitting "Continue Shortcut" allows for working with text and bypasses the image/video upload if you're not needing to do so. When continuing the shortcut, you are able to View Clipboard, copy text and append or prepend it to the clipboard, insert your own custom text to the clipboard as well as clear the clipboard.
  • When working with the custom text action, that text you insert can also be prepended or appended to the clipboard or you can simply copy that inserted text to the clipboard completely replacing everything else that was previously there.

This was truly built for my needs, but sharing just in case there are those that may find it useful for them. Credit to /u/Viticci, /u/DJMannyD and their work in creating their shortcuts and allowing me to create something very useful to me.

Requires associated shortcut Streamable Video Upload.

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - Nov. 7, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

Initial release

Past versions