
Clipboard tool packed with features & history save


Clipboarding is YACS.


• the standards: Edit, View, Clear, +Dictate

• support text, image, photo media, and URL types (and some others potentially)

• accept share input for those types from anywhere

• (instead of copying something, use this from a share sheet and Replace with Input to save to both clipboard and history.)

• Share contents with Share Sheet to anywhere

• Open URLs in Safari or preview contents in Clipboarding

• Transfer clipboard from device to computer (on LAN via SSH)

• Transfer clipboard from computer to device (Mac supported)

• save and load history (including those types) [limit: 8]


Clipboarding Main Menu


Config required for transfer features. Credentials stored in-shortcut only.


Thanks to many for inspiration, especially @qwertyuoip for ControlMyClipboard. This started as a personal customization fork of that, but there's almost no trace left of it. :)

Thanks to u/joereally for help on saving and loading a time-sorted history.

Thanks also to @plasticScript for Clipboard Manager for some ideas about media encoding. Had I know about about that before I started this, I might not have bothered with this.

Latest Release Notes

0.9 - Nov. 8, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

• late beta release
• Releasing this at 0.9 because while this is quite functional as it is, there are areas for improvement and it could use more stress testing. Turns out clipboards are quite complicated things if you're looking to manage more than plain text.
• Also looking for testers of the transfer functions on non-Mac platforms.

Past versions