Photographer updated 09/06/2019

Everything a Photographer needs in a Shortcut.



Written by Tony Dudley the creator of Control Centre for Shortcuts.

Tony is an accomplished Photographer with many years experience in planning photographic trips worldwide.

In this Shortcut you will have most of what you need for successfully planning your Photographic trips as follows:

  • Maps
  • Alarm clocks
  • Golden Hour
  • Travel time alarm
  • Sunrise Alarm.
  • Weather forecasts
  • Long Range Forecast for Current Location
  • Long Range Forecast for any City
  • Nd Filter settings
  • Trip Planning tools for future trips and look back at your locations in history.

Note Control Centre Address Dtebase is required for some of the operations in this shortcut.

I intend to build some other tools into this shortcut, if you feel that others could be added, get in touch details in the shortcut.

Edit the trip planner could also be used by wedding photographers to put in the wedding information such as Church, reception, brides home and anything else needed for the day.

Added in import of Lightroom link


Enjoy and happy snapping.


Latest Release Notes

2.2 - June 9, 2019, 11:33 a.m.

Speed enhancements, updated Weather useage and new Alarms.

Past versions