Oil Library Creator

Creates a library reference file for Essential Oil Inventory Manager


This app creates a dictionary file that is used to look up code scanned from QR bottle of essential oils. This is the best way to install the most complete library.

Latest Release Notes

1.4 - Dec. 5, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Added products:
Yarrow|Pom 30ml
Beautiful Deodorant
Serenity 5ml
Serenity 5ml (original)
Hope Blend (promo)
Citrus Bliss 5ml
DigestZen 5ml
Breathe 5ml
Balance 5ml
Peppermint 5ml
Oil Chocolate Truffles (2017)

Deodorant: Balance with Baking soda ➡️ Balance Deodorant
Yarrow | Pom 15ml ➡️ Yarrow|Pom 15ml

Duplicate Breathe Entry

Past versions