When do I need to get ready?

Tells you when you should be getting off the couch and get ready.


Do you have a hot date?

Do you have a job interview?

Do you have somewhere to be?

This shortcut will look at your calendar for today and will provide you an option to add Prep Time - if needed. If Prep Time is entered, a Reminder will be created. The time chosen is a calculation of the appointment time minus the drive time to your location minus the prep time. The shortcut will then ask you if you need or want to have DND enabled for the duration of the event!

If you say yes, the system will create a 2nd reminder which is location based and will contain the URL to launch the DND shortcut for the time of the event.

The shortcut has DependKit support which will verify if you need to install the required Do Not Disturb shortcut. And the shortcut also supports UpdateKit.

This all comes from me having a job interview and being lazy. I know right - those shouldn't go together, but I lost track of time playing with shortcuts and watching TV.

I have it only set to only look at today's date as I have my morning routing is already letting me know what I have going on today. I may also include it in my morning routine in a future update, but currently, it will stay independent.

Latest Release Notes

1.0.1 - Nov. 22, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

Fixed wrong iCloud link in DependKit

Past versions