OutputKit Template

A template of actions you can use as a starting point to build your Shortcuts with OutputKit



A template of actions you can use as a starting point to build your Shortcuts with OutputKit.

You can use the Build tool to update the json tags whenever you need to, this may not always have the latest json in it, please make sure you update the css from the build tool but only if you want the latest tags.

OutputKit is a bit of JSON (a dictionary in the form of text) that contains the markup for Bootstrap componnents, you put into a variable at the start of your Shortcut. You can then refer to the different elements with the tags listed below. It's best to look at the

  • OutputKit Examples Shortcut to get an idea of how it works, then to start with the
  • OutputKit Template to start making your own. Once you have a better idea, you can create you're own html templates, or update to the latest set of tags using OutputKit Build.
  • OutputKit Build Shortcut.


OutputKit GitHub Page

Made with OutputKit

Latest Release Notes

1.04 - Jan. 13, 2019, 1:03 a.m.


Past versions